Deadline to submit: February 18, 2025
Do you have an idea for a great show for Walterdale Theatre to produce that you have always wanted to direct? Now is the time to submit for the 2025-2026 season!
Walterdale Theatre Associates supports theatre artists at all ages and stages of their practice. We encourage applications from both emerging and seasoned directors.
What kinds of shows are we looking for? Walterdale is looking to curate a season with relevant and enticing storytelling that will collectively entertain, inspire, and challenge our diverse and engaged membership and audiences. Walterdale continues to give special consideration to applications from BIPOC directors or stories from underrepresented voices.
Possible options to consider (but not limited to):
- Canadian works;
- Culturally-diverse works that represent the complexity of global populations and/or perspectives;
- Plays with good roles for all gender representations (with a variety of ages); and
- Dramas, comedies, classics, thrillers, musicals, etc.
Please submit the following materials:
- A pdf of the script.
- A copy of your theatre résumé highlighting your directorial experience both with Walterdale & in other theatrical settings.
- A Directorial Proposal (your concept) – including the following:
- Why would this be a good show for Walterdale to produce?
- Casting requirements (Note: this must not include casting considerations. All casts for Walterdale productions must be selected from auditions).
- What Production Team (if any) you would bring with you into the project. Production team members are not required at the time of submission and can be recruited at a later date with assistance from other Walterdale members — with the exception of musicals. Directors proposing a musical are advised to name a musical director and include their resume as part of their submission.
- Any information that might affect the budget (e.g. Chorus size for a musical or size of ensemble in a straight play, desire for period dress, rental of special equipment).
- Recent Production history of your proposed play(s) within the Edmonton area. Please provide information including most recent production(s) in the Edmonton area noting year of production & the company that produced the piece.
- A brief statement on your plan to promote inclusivity and safety within your directorial role (e.g. through casting, ensemble work, crew selection, etc.)
- Any time or date considerations that you would want Walterdale to be aware of that would limit your ability to fully commit the time and energy to direct this play, such as day job that has travel requirements, certain time of year restrictions, other personal obligations or commitments.
Applying directors are permitted to submit a maximum of 2 pieces for consideration for the season. If new to directing, please contact follies.walterdale@gmail.com to find out how to become an Assistant Director.
Digital Submissions (preferred) should be sent to: Artistic Director, Barbara Mah – follies.walterdale@gmail.com
If necessary, hard copies with the same requirements can be mailed to:
Artistic Director, Walterdale Theatre Associates
10322 – 83rd Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 5C3
Please note for the mailed/non digital submissions, the original script will be returned to you – photocopies will not be). If you require assistance on the process or have questions, please contact follies.walterdale@gmail.com.
Submissions must be received/postmarked by FEBRUARY 18, 2025. Early submissions appreciated; late submissions will not be considered.