Meet the Team Behind The Penelopiad – Logan Sundquist

What is your name?

Logan Sundquist

What is your role on The Penelopiad

I am a sound booth operator! This means that I am the one clicking buttons in the booth to create sound for the show.

Why should audiences come to see The Penelopiad?

The Penelopiad is just a beautiful story. A story that uplifts and empowers women while tackling an ancient Greek classic, it is truly the best of both worlds. The imagery is vivid and the characters are moving. It’s a must-see

What would you say would be a highlight of working on The Penelopiad so far?

Watching the story come together has just been exhilarating to see, and because there are many moving parts and roles, both on and off stage, it’s been fantastic to see it all come to fruition.

In the play, Penelope reflects upon her life and her choices. Looking back, if you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?

I would advise my younger self to just be yourself. The world ultimately doesn’t care what you do, so why not be uniquely and authentically you.

Who is your favourite figure in Greek mythology, and why?

My absolute favourite figure in Greek mythology is Chrysomallos. A lesser known character in the pantheon, Chrysomallos was the golden fleece before it was skinned. He was this golden furred ram with wings who saved these two orphans from their evil stepmother. A true legend.

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