Meet the Creative Team Behind A Fitting Confusion – Phil Kreisel

What is your name?

Phil Kreisel

What is your role in this play, or on this production team?

Sound Designer.  My role as sound designer is to create vocal effects that actors will often react to (in real life), as well as create sound and/or music that enhances the mood in the show.

This show includes a number of preposterous lies. Tell us two unbelievable truths and a preposterous lie about yourself.  (Or two preposterous truths and a believable lie?)  

1) I’ve visited Vietnam on 4 different occasions to help the government create and implement a census of their people, including asking people about their methods of birth control. 

2) According to lighting designer Richard Hatfield, I’m older than dirt.

Which one was a lie? 

Pretty obvious.

Why should audiences come see this show?

To get a good non-Christmas laugh as we enter the holiday season.

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