Who are you? Kingsley Leung
What is your role in the show? What does that involve? I play Actor 1 & Shrimp Boy. Being an actor can be challenging. Being an actor playing an actor is intense (memories of Tropic Thunder…). I love the dynamic between my character and Helen who plays “Actor 2”. As a polar opposite character, Ha Jai (aka Shrimp Boy), I love getting into the mind of a real-life gangster and pulling out my worst over-the-top Chinese accent.
Why should audiences come to see King of the Yees? Definitely stay away from this one. Unless you like to laugh out loud and have fun watching a heartfelt story being told. There’s too much of that. And if you’re Asian, or non-Asian, or undecided – there’s a part of you in this show that you’ll be able to relate to.
What would you say would be a highlight of working on King of the Yees so far? I’m reunited with past cast members and our director from previous productions, who have always created a safe space for me to express myself on stage, made me fall in love with theatre over and over again, and whose friendships have left an indelible mark on my life.
Many characters in King of the Yees struggle with different elements of their identity. What is an element of your identity that you discovered, rediscovered, or started to appreciate as you got older? I’m so old. I feel it sometimes, but I keep young by acting young (maybe I’m just that immature?). Doing King of the Yees has also made me realize that there hasn’t been much in terms of Asian representation on stage, and hopefully this is one of many to come. Representation matters! Also, I hope my friends and family enjoy the show and if it’s not perfect… It’s an Asian F.
What was the best birthday party you attended? Talk to me in person for all the details, but it’s a 2-way tie for the best birthday party: January 19, 2005 and April 11, 2009 (doubly as cool).