What is your name?
Doug Verdin
What is your role in this play, or on this production team?
I have 2 off-stage roles, Set Builder and Lighting Operator. The LX Operator makes the lights change at the direction of the Stage Manager
This show includes a number of preposterous lies. Tell us two unbelievable truths and a preposterous lie about yourself. (Or two preposterous truths and a believable lie?)
- I was born in South America.
- I finished in 12th place in the 2005 triathlon, World Masters Games in Edmonton.
- I first appeared on stage at Walterdale in Hickory Dickory Dock, in December 1993
Which one was a lie?
I didn’t finish 12th, I finished 546th, but I did finish!
Why should audiences come see this show?
Because: We Do it for Love not Money!