Meet the Cast of HARVEY! Thomas Usher is Elwood P. Dowd!

What is your role in Harvey? I play Elwood P. Dowd. He is the calm centre of a world that whirls around him. In his personal philosophy he has learned to accept that the best way to live one’s life is look after those you encounter with genuine kindness. After 40 years of living up to what others expected of him, he has now chosen to restore a sense of balance to his life; to treat others with the kindness and attention they deserve. Elwood now practices how to put away the distractions of the big problems and cares, and to focus on the simple joy of living in the moment, and in pleasant company. The fact that he happens to enjoy sharing his time with a mischievous 6 foot rabbit he see as no impediment, but rather a beneficial distraction. To his credit, Elwood’s simple and pure heart allows him to see Harvey, and to welcome him as a keen observer of human behaviour, and a faithful companion on his journey.

What is your background in theatre? At Walterdale?

Last directed Jake and the Kid at Walterdale in January, 1988.
Founder and Artistic Director of Red Deer’s Prime Stock Theatre for 27 years, Great West Summer Theatre for 5 seasons and BARD on BOWER for 11 seasons.
Has taught post-secondary theatre across the province, including 17 years at Red Deer College (now Polytechnic), and is a certified fight instructor with Fight Directors Canada. Also an actor, Thomas spends his summer acting as a theatre interpreter with Parks Canada in Banff and Jasper.

What brought you out for Harvey? Why did you want to do the show? I met a charming 6 foot tall rabbit on the street corner one day. . . .who could resist?

Why do you think audiences should come see Harvey? To believe in Harvey is to see the goodness in humanity; to discern the sanity amidst the madness that confronts us each day; to share a pleasant time with whoever you’re with, wherever you are at the moment, for as long as they allow. To listen intently, and refrain from undue judgement. To treat all with respect and decency. . . .we could all use a little more careful listening these days, it seems.

Meet the Team of HARVEY! Carly Pettitt is our Stage Manager

What is your role on this production? I’m the Stage Manager for Harvey! I make sure everyone is doing what they need to do on and off the stage!

What is your background in theatre? At Walterdale? This is my Walterdale Theatre debut, but I am a proud alumni of the U of A B.A./B.Ed. program, specializing in Drama and French! I have been involved in community theatre in Edmonton and area since I was 15!

What brought you out for Harvey? I am so excited to be able to flex my production muscle. I was fortunate enough to be asked if I wanted to learn more and SM for this production!

Why do you think audiences should come see Harvey? I think Harvey is such a feel good, funny show. It delves into ideas as to what it means to be loyal, a good friend or a good family member. The actors are so dedicated and one of the most talented group of people I’ve had the pleasure to work with.

Have you ever had an imaginary friend? I never had an imaginary friend but when I was in 8th grade I had repetitive dreams that the Beatles were my friends and that I’d perform with them. I think it would be pretty cool to have Sir Paul McCartney as my imaginary friend!

Meet the Cast of ALL MY SONS – Catherine Krause is Bertie!

What is your role in All My Sons? What are they like? Role – Bertie. Bertie is a young girl who has a big imagination and loves playing games as a police officer.

Why should audiences come to All My Sons at Walterdale Theatre? Audiences can experience a range of emotions and learn about life in the 40s.

What would you say would be a highlight of working on All My Sons so far? Meeting the rest of the cast was great, and I loved rehearsing on stage.

Many of the characters in All My Sons have secrets that they keep from each other, or things in their past that people would not expect. What is something people wouldn’t guess about you? Although originally from Alberta, I lived in Texas for 6 years.

Tell us your thoughts about horoscopes: I don’t necessarily believe 100% but it’s still fun to see what they predict for you!

Meet the Cast of ALL MY SONS – Jasmine Hopfe is Ann Deever!

What is your role in All My Sons? What is she like? I play the role of Ann Deever! Ann is in many ways a gentle, sweet woman, but it’s the times that we see her speak up and take control of her life that she is the most captivating.

Why do you think audiences should come see All My Sons at Walterdale Theatre? Despite being set in the 1940s, the value of Miller’s script truly transcends one particular moment in time. The play highlights the personal responsibility every individual carries for their larger communities and world, a concept that is vigorously debated by the characters and remains an incredibly important conversation to this day.

What would you say would be a highlight of working on All My Sons so far? A highlight of working on this production has definitely been the people. I went into this process only knowing one face in the room, and I have been accepted with such open arms into this little Walterdale family. I’m so grateful to be part of such a fun, talented, and welcoming team!

Tell us your thoughts about horoscopes: I don’t think any system of belief should be entirely prescriptive of one’s identity or truth. That being said, I love astrology. I find the practice of exploring one’s intrinsic connection to the universe and looking for resonance in what the stars have to offer a beautiful and fun one! (And yet, I think Frank is a bit of a goon about it.)

Meet the Team of ALL MY SONS – Brooke Emberly is Assistant Master Painter!

What is your role on this production? What does it entail? I am acting as Assistant Master Painter on this production. I work under the Master Painter to ensure that the painting on this production is scheduled, organized and run smoothly. I also assist in realizing the design elements asked of us for the set.

Why do you think audiences should come see All My Sons? Its a touching play that plays on the complexities of family expectations, and the balance between loyalty and self care.

What would you say would be a highlight of working on All My Sons so far? Getting to work so closely with the designer! Being able to discuss and change or improve things on the fly is invaluable for a detail-oriented design such as this.

Many of the characters in All My Sons have secrets that they keep from each other, or things in their past that people would not expect. What is something people wouldn’t guess about you? I come from a camping and hunting family so I have a deep respect and understanding of the value and responsibilities of hunting for your own food and how to live in the wild without leaving your footprint behind.

Tell us your thoughts about horoscopes: Horoscopes are designed to appeal to the masses, and are often written in a vague way that can apply to anyone. In my experience, it also gives others the excuse to bully you based on these silly writings…so needless to say I do not think highly of them.

Meet the Team of ALL MY SONS – Afrah Collier-Potts is our ASM

What is your role on this production? What does it entail? I’m the Assistant Stage Manager, personally I like to call it the back stage ninja role. My job is to assist the cast in all behind the scenes movements, and prop management.

Why do you think audiences should come to see All My Sons? There are many reasons to see All My Sons, from the cast to the crew it is labour of love. Who doesn’t love a good functionally dis-functional family full of secrets.

What would you say would be a highlight of working on All My Sons so far? The entire cast and crew. Everyone is delightful and so passionate about bringing this delightful period piece to life.

Many of the characters in All My Sons have secrets that they keep from each other, or things in their past that people would not expect. What is something people wouldn’t guess about you? I don’t know how to dougie. (We invite people to come forward to teach Afrah how to dougie…)

Tell us your thoughts about horoscopes: Well, I’m a Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, and a Cancer rising. Which I think says all you need to know.

Meet the Cast of All My Sons – Franco Correa is Chris Keller!

What is your role in All My Sons? I play Chris Keller, son of Joe Keller, and prospective husband of Ann Deever. Chris is a morally upright man, but he experiences substantial survivor’s guilt as well as shame about his community’s attitude regarding the war.

Why should audiences come see All My Sons at Walterdale Theatre? I’m not typically interested in postwar dramas, but this script really knocked my socks off. Why shouldn’t you see it? It’s Arthur Miller!

What would you say would be a highlight of working on All My Sons so far? Being able to step outside of my comfort zone as a performer, and in good company. It’s been a fun process so far. The longer period of rehearsal has allowed me to dig into this script in a way I’ve really always felt was necessary.

Many of the characters in All My Sons have secrets that they keep from each other, or things in their past that people would not expect. What is something people wouldn’t guess about you? I’m a clown, and I can pick locks.

Tell us your thoughts about horoscopes: I hate ’em. I’m not into that witches and wizards stuff.

Meet the Team of All My Sons – Justine Woodfall is our Stage Manager!

What is your role on All My Sons? I’m stage managing this production. A little bit of what I do is calling the technical cues for the show, record blocking in rehearsals, and create rehearsal and show reports with updates for the production team.

Why should audiences come see All My Sons? To support local theatre and see the hard work we’ve put into this production.

Many of the characters in All My Sons have secrets that they keep from each other, or things in their past that people would not expect. What is something people wouldn’t guess about you? In elementary school, I had a pet chinchilla named Louise and when I was 19, I went skydiving.

Meet the Team of All My Sons – John Anderson is the Director!

Tell us about your role on this production: I’m the Director of this production. All My Sons is one of my favourite plays, meaning it was on my directing bucket list, so it is a thrill to be working on this show with such a talented cast, crew, and supporting Board of Directors.

Why should audiences come to see All My Sons? Like the Greek classics, All My Sons has an effectively orchestrated plot that gives the narrative a momentum that is engaging and tense for audiences. Also, Arthur Miller is one of the finest playwrights of the past century, and this work is one of his supreme achievements. If you want to see a masterpiece of the Dramatic Arts, look no further!

What would you say would be a highlight of working on All My Sons so far? Seeing the cast come together through the audition process, the actors we chose are fitting their roles very well. In rehearsals, they have the intelligence, the charisma, and the chemistry with one another to make their lines and the psychology of their characters ring true. It is so fulfilling to work with actors this talented.

Many of the characters in All My Sons have secrets that they keep from each other, or things in their past that people would not expect. What is something people wouldn’t guess about you? The people that know me in my work life as an Accountant are surprised to learn about how involved I am in the Arts. Meanwhile, the people in the theatre are surprised to learn I’m an Accountant by day. To me, these opposites compliment each other well in that I get to use both my left and my right brain, thanks to my work life balance.

Tell us your thoughts about horoscopes: Like a number of characters in this play — not including Frank and Kate — I tend to ignore horoscopes. However, I understand that they hold an important place in some people’s lives.

All My Sons by Arthur Miller, directed by John Anderson, runs October 11-21, 2023. Tickets can be purchased here.

Meet the Cast of All My Sons – Ursula Pattloch is Kate Keller!

What is your role in this production? I play the role of Kate Keller (or Mother). She is such an interesting, fun character to play! She is loving, controlling, caring, manipulating, cruel, kind, irrational at times and very complex. She claims she is ignorant but is exceptionally intelligent.

Why should audiences come to see All My Sons? This is definitely a play you do not want to miss. You will be laughing one minute, sitting on the edge of your seat the next, then totally shocked the next. Plus… Arthur Miller …so the writing is profound and thought provoking.

What would you says has been a highlight of working on the show so far? Working with the cast & crew so far has been wonderful. Exceptionally talented! Incredible to see the characters coming alive in rehearsals bit by bit.

Many of the characters in All My Sons have secrets that they keep from each other, or things in their past that people would not expect. What is something people wouldn’t guess about you? Hmmmm… I’m a huge nerd! Yup love Star Trek, Marvel (not DC), Harry Potter and really any Sci.-Fi., Fantasy themed TV show, Film, Play or Novel. So yes… the answer is 42 & I will bring a towel!

Tell us your thoughts about horoscopes: My character Kate is a huge believer! I, on the other hand, am a Capricorn so am far too practical to believe in horoscopes 🙂

All My Sons by Arthur Miller runs October 11 to 21, 2023. Tickets are available here.