Congratulations to Darrell Portz, Walterdale’s Member of the Month for September 2016!

darrell-portz-sept-16Darrell has been an active member of the Tech committee for a number of years. He has provided a lot of very valuable input on the technical choices and has taken on creating the lobby videos since we introduced it for Chess. In addition, he has been very active leading the archive committee which maintains Walterdale’s historical information and he maintains the archive photo’s section of our web site which he recently used to great effect by creating the Jack Wilson Award video. Darrell is also an actor, most recently performing on Walterdale’s stage in Six Degrees of Separation; he directed Dracula in the 2013/14 Season; and he has done numerous sound designs at Walterdale. Darrell is very energetic and knowledgeable, and always a fun person to work with on projects.

Meet the Cast of RED – Mark Finlay is Mark Rothko

sHeadshot7BandWWhat is my role in this production? I am playing Mark Rothko – Rothko was an artist, considered one of the forefront Abstract Expressionists of the 1950’s.  Rothko was very secretive about his process and very philosophical about his work and its impact.

What is your background in theatre? I am a very sporadic performer, usually only doing a show once every 5-7 years.  These past few months have been an exception, as this is the second in a row that I am acting in.  I was cast as Molokov in the Walterdale’s production of Chess this past summer, which was my very first show here. Unquestioningly, Rothko is by far the most difficult and challenging part I have ever been asked to take on – there is no singing, and no comedy… it is a dramatic role with TONS of dialogue.

What brought you out for this show? I heard that they might be looking for large guys that yell, and thought I might get to shave my head… I’m kind of typecast that way!  Actually, Bethany Hughes (the director) was choreographer on Chess, and I enjoyed working with her and she seemed like she would be fun to work with in a different capacity!

Why did you audition? I have been asking myself the same question…I don’t undertake the audition process often, and I felt that maybe if I did more of them I would learn something or get better at it.  A number of people from Chess auditioned, and I didn’t fully decide until very late in the process.  I had no real expectation of even being considered for such a significant role in a production, and was quite surprised when I was offered the part!

What about this show intrigues you? I am curious to see which character the audience most identifies with: Ken or Rothko?  The two have vastly disparate views on art, intention, experience and mortality.  Of late, I have been able to identify with Rothko.

What is the most challenging thing about working on this show? The most challenging thing is easily THE SCRIPT!!  There are SO MANY WORDS – Words that many people I know wouldn’t commonly use in conversation!  Getting a handle on the monologues was probably my biggest challenge, as well as being able to “see” art in the same way Rothko does.  I am able to identify with aspects of Rothko, so I think the character came easier to me than the dialogue did.

The most enjoyable thing? There are multiple things that I’m enjoying.  I really enjoying getting to know the people I’m working with – that aspect of theatre probably is the part that I enjoy the most.  Rehearsals are HARD WORK… anyone that tells you different is either far more skilled than I am, or delusional.  There are fun and funny moments, but it’s hard work – that can be enjoyable, but it is also fatiguing.  The other thing I am enjoying is trying to be someone that I am most definitely NOT in real life.  Having also never seen this play before, I have no frame of reference to base my work off of – which is challenging but enjoyable as well.

Art plays a big role in this show. Who is your favorite artist and why? My favorite artists are my kids…I have a screen saver of a picture my youngest son drew about 4 years ago… it won’t be hanging in a gallery, but it is in my personal collection and continues to make me smile.

As far as other art, I am a fan of Michelangelo and Da Vinci.  I have two original Matt Boisvert pictures at home, and my wife and I have a smattering of other pictures from Albertan artists we know and appreciate.  As John Cleese once said in a Monty Python sketch:  “I don’t know much about art, but I know what I like.”


Meet the Team of RED – Sarah Van Tassel is the Mentor Director

sarahvWhat is your role on this production? I’m the Mentor Director. Walterdale is encouraging newer directors to direct their first show on our stage, and as such pairs them up with a “mentor” – someone who has directed on our stage previously and who can be a resource for the director.

What is your background in theatre? With Walterdale? I’ve been working in independent and community theatre since graduating university in 2006. I have held various roles on the Walterdale Board, including Artistic Director and President, and have been onstage and backstage for a slew of productions, including: W;t, Jeffrey, Burning Vision, Love of the Nightingale, Reasons to be Pretty, and You Are Here. 

What brought you out for this show? Why did you join the team? What about this show intrigues you?  Bethany and I were working together on W;t when she mentioned that she was thinking of submitting Red for this season. She asked if I’d be willing to be her “mentor” as she hadn’t directed at Walterdale previously and I said yes, without hesitation. I adore working with Bethany and this is such a great script.

For me, the conversations about symbiotic relationship between the art and the viewer are fascinating. I’ve always felt that all art is subjective and what the viewer brings to the table when viewing said art matters – but what about the intention of the artists when they created the piece – is it just as important? It’s so interesting to explore these concepts.

What is the most challenging thing about working on this show? The most enjoyable thing? This has been a really unique experience for me – as mentor it’s about trying to help Bethany realize her vision of the show and support that as the production develops. It’s been really great to watch the show develop and see Bethany’s vision of it come to life.

Art plays a big role in this show. Who is your favorite artist and why? I’ve always loved pop art. Warhol and Lichtenstein, in particular. I love the way that pop art appropriates other mediums and creates new and unique pieces out of it. Lichtenstein’s Drowning Girl is one of my favourites.


Meet the Team of Red – Catherine Wenschlag is Production Manager

catherine-wWhat is your role on this production? I’m the Production Manager, so I oversee the logistical needs of the show. I work to ensure all areas are communicating with each other, that deadlines are met, and that we’re within budget. I love this role because it is mostly about organization and communication – two of my favorite activities.

What is your background in theatre? With Walterdale? Walterdale is my home away from home! Since joining in 2009 I’ve filled a variety of roles. Last season I worked on four productions: Ravenscroft (actor), W;t (production manager), The Sunset Syndrome (director), Chess (assistant director), and served on the Board of Directors as Secretary. Outside of Walterdale, I’ve been acting and stage managing for over 30 years.
What brought you out for this show? Why did you join the team? What about this show intrigues you? I wanted to support the director, Bethany Hughes, in any way I could – and I happened to have a skill set that was useful to the team. I’m very excited for this season at Walterdale and am eager to help bring each show to audiences.
What is the most challenging thing about working on this show? The most fun thing? I’ve found that the most challenging thing as a production manager is making sure everyone gets the information they need to do the best job possible. Some people are looking time members, some are new – and some are taking on new roles. It’s easy to say, “if you have any questions, just ask” – but if you’re new, sometimes you don’t know what questions to ask! So I try to anticipate needs and meet those in addition to the other requests that come up. The most fun is definitely the people – this is a stellar creative team and I’m loving watching them create magic.
Art plays a big role in this show. Who is your favorite artist and why? Monet. I find him soothing, comforting, but not simple. The first time I saw an original in person I was incredibly moved. The ones of parliament are among my favourite.

Meet the Cast of RED – Ben Osgood is Ken

ben-osgoodWho do you play in this production? I play Ken in RED. He is a young artist who takes the taxing role of assistant for famous painter Mark Rothko. Ken begins his journey a little naïve and with a sense of excitement, fear and wonder but is an incredibly hard worker and very intelligent.

What is your background in theatre? I performed in theatre throughout high school and into my 1st and 2nd year of university. My most recent show was a New Works Play titled Princess Bear where I played a foolish Spanish Prince who falls in love and makes love to a bear.

What brought you out for this show? I read the script in preparation for the audition and fell in love with it. I strongly connected with Ken I loved the discussions about what means and how to can and should effect people, and how our art defines us.

It’s no secret that this play deals with visual art. What kind of art do you like? I am a very big fan of a Swedish arts named Simon Stålenhag who paints wonderful pictures which blend the real world with sci-fi. They are beautiful paintings that elicit feelings of insignificance in a huge world, or almost child-like innocence’s at wonderful and awful things.simon-stalenhag-painting

Meet Bethany Hughes, Director of RED

bethanyWhat is your role on this production?
– Director
– Responsible to oversee the artistic and dramatic aspects of the production and choosing the cast members, production design, and the creative aspects of show.

What is your background in theatre?
A few Walterdale Productions: Stage Manager – Misanthrope, Proof; Choreographer: CHESS: The Musical
Straight Edge Theatre: Co-Founder

What about this show intrigues you?
– The passion, the energy, the characters relationship and, the text.
– I love art, in all forms and mediums. This show brings with it some beautiful creative challenges. Those challenges inspired me as an Artist/Director to create this world.

What is the most challenging thing about working on this show?
– Speaking of challenges… one of the technical challenges has been blocking the painting scene. There are lots of factors to that moment. The diligence, the technique, the timing, and the synchronization of the movement. There is a lot happening, and quickly.  Lots of layers to consider.
– Another great challenge is the text/ dialogue itself. These words are heavy and intellectual and difficult. How do you take 40 pages of  talking and make it interesting and engaging? It was a daunting task at first, but I was in love with the language and the relationship of the characters.  Confession: The first time I read it (years ago) I used several times.

Art plays a big role in this show. Who is your favorite artist and why? Favorite painting/sculpture? Do you have a picture?
– I have a few local Artists whose work I deeply admire: Mitchell Chalifoux and Kristina Shave. Admittedly Ken and I are of one mind. I adore Jackson Pollock’s work. I have a soft spot in my heart for Monet and Van Gogh as well.


Meet the Cast of LADY WINDERMERE’S FAN by Oscar Wilde

2Lady's FanAuditions were completed this week for Lady Windermere’s Fan by Oscar Wilde, directed by Martin Stout.

We’re excited to welcome back many Walterdale members as well as welcome in several brand new ones!

Join us onstage in December for this witty piece from Oscar Wilde!

Mrs. Erlynne – Marsha Amanova
Lady Windermere – Miranda Broumas
Duchess of Berwick – Leslie Caffaro
Mrs. Cowper-Cowper – Grace Chapman
Rosalie (Maid) – Emanuelle Dubbeldam
Lord Darlington – Dan Fessenden
Lady Agatha Carlisle – Hannah Haugen
Lady Plymdale – Brittany Hinse
Lord Windermere – Patrick Maloney
Parker (Butler) – Ed Medeiros
Mr Dumby – Andy Mikula
Mr Cecil Graham – Brayden O’Boyle
Lord Augustus Lorton – David Owen
Lady Stutfield – Roseanna Sargent
Mr Hopper – Craig Sephton

Lady Jedburgh – Samantha VandenBrink

Production Team:
Director – Martin Stout
Assistant Director – Madeleine Stout
Production Manager – Karin Lauderdale
Set Designer – Leland Stelck
Lighting Designer – Richard Hatfield
Costume Designer – Geri Dittrich
Props – Emily Randall
Master Builder – Pierre Valois
Master Painter – Joan Heys Hawkins

Paper Doll Productions presents SEVEN LOST MINUTES at the 2016 Edmonton Fringe

Seven Lost MinutesPaper Doll Productions is thrilled to be bringing you the Canadian Premiere of Seven Lost Minutes written by Sydney Parcey to the 35th Annual Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival!!

Based on a true story, Seven Lost Minutes follows the story of Diana, a driven wife whose medical symptoms point towards an “unknown disease”. Diana fights for her health, as her family fights for her well-being. This story shows how the love of one family can help someone survive whatever life throws at them.

Written by: Sydney Parcey
Directed by: Melanie Bahniuk (Ravenscroft)

Shanni Pinkerton
Josh Harnack
Miranda Broumas
Sam Goertz 
Rebecca Bissonnette (Ravenscroft)
Roseanna Sargent
Emi Gusdal

Designed by: Stephanie Bahniuk
Sound Design by: Taylor Price
Stage Managed by: Steven Sobolewski



13926017_10157278630475084_5564387607560987086_oWritten by Mark Allan Greene
Directed by Trish van Doornum

Starring Bradley Bishop, Macalan Tate Boniec-Jedras, Cailin Mills, Curtis Johnson, Monica Maddaford, Mike McDevitt, Mike LaPlaunte, and Josh Languedoc.

Special thanks to Trevor Rueger, Mieko Ouchi, Walterdale Theatre, and the Alberta Playwrights’ Network for script development.

The whole world has heard the story of the Followers of Christ; now hear the tragic tale of the Customers of Christ. Jesus is a great Son of God, but not much of a carpenter.  He also has two fathers. While Joseph wants Jesus to get into the family home building business, God has very different plans. He tries to please both, but the houses that Jesus builds are unholy disasters. Follow the quest of Jebediah, as he leads the first ever Condo Association through biblical events to find Jesus Christ and bring Him back into their lives… to fix the deficiencies in the homes that Jesus built.

Walterdale members involved are:
Trish van Doornum, Mark Allan Greene, Anglia Redding, Liz Cook, Bradley Bishop, Macalan Tate Boniec-Jedras, Monica Maddaford, Mike LaPlaunte, Curtis Johnson, Josh Languedoc, Doug Verdin, and Geri Dittrich

Half the Battle at the 2016 Edmonton International Fringe

half the battleWalterdale Almunae Owen Bishop and Joel Taras present Half the Battle

“The combination of strong acting and muscular writing made this one a winner!”  – David Hudgins, Co-Founder of Electric Company Theatre

Half the Battle is twice the show – Funny and Moving. Don’t miss it!”  – Kathryn Shaw, Artistic Director of Studio 58

When a Canadian pilot and copilot were shot down during the Second World War their tombstones were attached together to symbolize their partnership lasting into the afterlife. Join Adams and Davis as the journey to the other side where they learn a little about death and a lot about each other.

What began in Vancouver at Studio 58 as a final exercise before Owen’s graduation, this two-ish man show has moved back home with him to Edmonton. The show has been revamped, expanded, revised and polished by Owen and Joel for months. Half the Battle is packed with Canadian Military history and existential humour, it’s like Band of Brothers meets Waiting for Godot!

Venue #9 The Telus Phone Museum

Thursday, August 11th 11:59 PM
Sunday, August 14th 12:00 PM
Monday August 15th 2:00 PM
Tuesday, August 16th 4:00 PM
Wednesday, August 17th 8:15 PM
Friday, August 19th 6:45 PM

Created and performed by: Owen Bishop (The Threepenny Opera)
Directed and made to look sexy by: Joel Taras (Beautiful Thing)