Playing April 23 – May 3, 2025

Stag and Doe
by Mark Crawford
Directed by Louise Mallory
Auditions: December 7 & 8, 2024
Stag and Doe premiered at the Blyth Festival in 2014 and is produced by permission of the Playwright and Marquis Literary (Colin Rivers).

Bonnie and Brad are throwing a party to pay for their upcoming wedding. Their Maid of Honour, Dee, is still getting over being left at the altar seven years ago. Mandy and Rob are getting married today, even though their big white tent blew away in last night’s storm. And Jay just found out his entire catering staff is in jail! It’s all happening at the same time, in the same community hall kitchen, in the same small Canadian town. Stag and Doe offers a laugh-filled look at a distinctly rural prenuptial tradition … and shines a light on the nature of love, marriage, and weddings. Playwright Mark Crawford’s other works include Bed and Breakfast and The New Canadian Curling Club.


Auditions to be held December 7 & 8. Stay tuned for information on how to submit for an audition.


Production Team MemberRole
Louise MalloryDirector